Train schedules in real time
In the Train Departures timetable service, you can check the times of departure and arrival for trains at all passenger stations in Finland. The information is based on real-time train traffic information.
In the Train Departures timetable service, you can check the times of departure and arrival for trains at all passenger stations in Finland. The information is based on real-time train traffic information.
Search for timetables in the box Search. Enter the name of the station or the train number and select the desired alternative from the list. You can add the timetable to your favourites by clicking the icon in the upper right corner of the timetable. The favourites that you have added will be displayed as shortcuts in the box Favourites.
We use cookies to save favourites. When using this service, you accept the use of cookies.
With this service you can easily create an automatically updated view of your timetable, for example, for your computer screen or the TV screen in a lobby. The timetable view can be embedded in an existing website. You can access these functions via the icon at the bottom of the timetable view.